速報APP / 房屋與房產 / DIY Solar Panels

DIY Solar Panels





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



DIY Solar Panels(圖1)-速報App

The Remarkable DIY Solar Panels make the act of energy saving fun and exciting for all. Play your role in saving energy for tomorrow

Every single device and equipment which had become a necessity for the generations of today and tomorrow is electronic and relies on energy. The sad truth is energy is not endless and with each passing day the usage of energy is exceeding its overall production. To save the world from the horrors of tomorrow, we need to play our part in saving the energy for today’s and the future generations of tomorrow.

Solar Panels are a great way to utilize the one source of energy which is limitless and available to all during every hour of the day. And the all thing better than the solar panels is DIY Solar Panels which you can build from the luxury of your own home. These exciting solar panels give people of all ages an opportunity to learn science and also help in the contributing for saving the energy of the other.

One energy friendly decision today can save a lot of energy for the generations of tomorrow and using solar energy also has countless benefits in the present. It saves up electricity charges and give us feeling of being independent and strong. The app comprises several exciting and simple DIY Solar Panels designs which are developed to help common public understand the art of building a fully functioning DIY Solar Panel.

Following is a list of Amazing Features of DIY Solar Panel

DIY Solar Panels(圖2)-速報App

• Simple & Effective Design

• Easy to Make

• Environment Friendly

• Available in Various New Designs

• Flexible and Adjustable

DIY Solar Panels(圖3)-速報App

• Perfect for Homes and Offices

• Perfect for Educational Institutions

• New Conceptual Designs

• Perfect for Learning

Here is a list of content in this app:

DIY Solar Panels(圖4)-速報App

Purchase The Cells

Cut A Backing Board

Measure And Cut

Flux The Work Area

Solder The Tabbing

DIY Solar Panels(圖5)-速報App

Glue The Cells To The Board

Solder The Cells Together

Connect The First Row

Connect The Second Row

Measure Your Cell Panel

DIY Solar Panels(圖6)-速報App

Cut The Flat Back

Form The Sides

Connect The Final Bus Wire

Connect Your Panel

Connect The Charge Controller

DIY Solar Panels(圖7)-速報App

Get A Piece Of Plexiglass

Attach Block Stops

Mount Your Panels On Your Roof

We always stay up to date with the latest upcoming and new DIY Solar Panels ideas and the app is constantly updated to keep our users up to date with all the latest and creative environmental friendly designs.


DIY Solar Panels(圖8)-速報App


DIY Solar Panels(圖9)-速報App